5 Helpful Tech Tips!

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If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram you have probably seen our almost daily tech tips. We make it a priority to share our knowledge and help make everyone’s lives easier with these small but extremely convenient and quick ideas. Here are a few of our recent favorites from our tips and tricks. Enjoy!

Close Out Safari Tabs On Your iPhone

Do you often forget to close your Safari Tabs on your iPhone? Just go to Settings > Safari > Close Tabs. Once in Close Tabs, tap After One Day, Week or Month if you want to automatically close all Safari tabs.

Show the Desktop Quick

Want to minimize everything and show the desktop fast? The Show Desktop button is a cool little feature. On the bottom-right corner of the desktop there is a secret button. Don’t see it? Look all the way to the bottom and right, on the edge of the screen. There is a small little sliver of an invisible button. Click it to minimize all your open windows quickly!

Record Your Screen for Free

Want to record your screen for a quick how to video? You don’t need an expensive app! It’s built into Windows already! Just hit the Windows Key + G to pull up the open the Xbox Game bar and hit record.

Delay Delivery In Microsoft Outlook

Want to compose an email now but send it later? Outlook makes it easy. Just write your email, then go to Options > Delay Delivery and specify the Do not deliver before date and time. It’s easy!

Clear the Clutter 

Have too many apps open in Windows 10? You can clear the clutter by grabbing the top of the window you want to keep open and “shaking” it to minimize all the other windows. Want them all back? Shake again!

Thanks for reading! If you like these tips and want to see more just follow us on Facebook and Instagram at the links below!

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1 Comment
  • Victor Jacobs
    Posted at 9:06 am, October 26, 2015

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